Hosting a little ones party? Looking for a way of keeping those little revellers entertained?
My sister decided to turn her hand to balloon animals for my sons second birthday party, and boy did we laugh…
After a couple of glasses of processo and a cheeky gin and tonic, we decided it was time for learning.
Once we had gotten over the initial obvious hilarity of the from that is the modelling balloon, making several sorties on Instagram full of innuendo and giggles, it was not turning out too shabbily!
With the aid of a couple of YouTube tutorials we were away.
As the partygoer’s we were aiming to impress are only two we decided mastering the poodle and the sword would suffice.
Needless to say Laura was a hit at the party, plus with the added hilarity of some of the babes experimenting with biting them and the tears that followed. That makes me sound awful, I’m not but it was rather hilarious.
So have a go, we did and it’s easier then one would expect and great fun.